New Day...New You!
The First Day of the Rest of my life...
September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018
Well...the time has come to say Goodbye to the old me...and Hello Baby to the New Me!
For those of you that do not know me, and since it has been a while since I have posted, let me reintroduce myself.
My name is Tamatha Burrus.
My friends call me Tami,
If you are reading this...
obviously, I want to count you as my Friend! lol
My name is Tamatha Burrus.
My friends call me Tami,
If you are reading this...
obviously, I want to count you as my Friend! lol
I have been on the "Diet" roller-coaster for going on 33 years?!?
Oh My Goodness(OMG)...that looked worse in print then even saying it out loud?!?
Yep...I turned 51 Years Old this Year and I Want to Change My Life!
Yep...I turned 51 Years Old this Year and I Want to Change My Life! I am beginning this "new & different" journey...unfortunately...I realize that I am not alone. Many of you who are reading this today have also been on your "Diet" journey for many years also...right?
Today...I have decided that I WILL NOT start ANOTHER Diet!
I have decided it is time for a REAL, Honest to Goodness change. A Change that will last a Lifetime. "A Lifestyle Change that will last a Lifetime."
I WILL NOT...take ANOTHER Diet Pill
I WILL NOT...EVER AGAIN...base my opinion of my looks or the look of my body...
on Someone else's Looks or Body Image!
We are ALL Individual...Unique...and Special!
Everyday...Women all over the World...base what they THINK they should look like...what their Body should look like...from the stereo types promoted in media.
First Thing...I will say it AGAIN...We are ALL Individual, Unique & Special!
That is the #1 First Step in my Journey.
To come to terms with who I an Individual...and embrace my Special Uniqueness...
there is only 1 of ME in the Whole Wide Word...Period.
Second Thing...and just as important as the first...
I want to be as Healthy & Happy as I can possibly be.
For me...that means to eat right and with moderate the Woman I Was Meant to Be. Happy, Healthy & Confident.
You...have to take care of yourself first...before you can take care of everyone else. Just as...You Have to Love & Respect Yourself First...Before You Can Love & Respect Others...
and be Loved and Respected.
So...Today, I have decided to start my Journey to a Healthier and Happier Me.
I want to...for the first time...document my Journey and Share it with any and all who are interested.
As I said...I have been on a Yo-Yo/Roller-coaster/On & Off Dieting Nightmare for 30+ Years!!
I am NOT an so far as I have not earned a Doctorate or a Degree...
I can honestly say I FEEL like an Expert!
Reason why I feel like an expert??
I have tried most every diet, diet pill & fade that has been published, sold, even given away for free!
So...I sat down...and went through everything I have learned over 30+ years.
I decided to incorporate what is Real, Tried, Tested, True, and Really Works.
Throughout this Journey I will share everything I have learned and incorporated into my
Healthier, Happier Me!
From Eating to Exercise...I will Share with You what I am Doing, and hopefully it will Help Someone Else on Their Journey...
A Lifestyle Change that will Last a Lifetime.
I have always tried to Diet...By Myself...Sad...but True...
Maybe...Just Maybe...that is one of the Main Reasons I Have Failed.
Life is a Journey...and we are meant to help each other through this Life, through this Journey.
No One is an Island...
So...With that Said...My Day Begins Like This...
Day 1 (September 1, 2018)
My feet hit the floor and I was running for the restroom lol
After washing my hands, face, and brushing my teeth
I headed to the kitchen and I had...
1 Glass of Water with 1/2 of a Lemon Squeezed into it.
I also added a Tablespoon of Bragg's Organic Raw & Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
( don't want or don't have a lemon/lemon juice or the Apple Cider Vinegar...
No Problem...Don't Sweat the Small Stuff)
Just Drink a Glass of Water First thing in the Morning...ok?
Experts say that it is good for our digestion and overall well being to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning...and before going to bed.
(NOTE: Experts also say that drinking a glass of water before and after a meal helps us feel fuller...longer. A PLUS for I am not real good at remembering to drink my 8-10 glasses of water a day. If I drink a glass of water before and after my 3 small meals a day and my snack...I will have consumed at least 8 glasses of water a day...and decreased my appetite...
Boo Yah Hoorah for Me!
2 Scrambled Eggs with diced Green Peppers & Onions
(Cooked in a Tablespoon (Tbsp.) of Coconut Oil, Olive Oil or REAL butter.
Experts say Margarine is horrible for your body. If you are going to use butter, try to us Real and Organic Butter. Coconut Oil and Olive Oil are Good Fats. In this experts say Good Fats keep you fuller longer and help your body burn fat stores. I will talk all about Good & Bad Fats throughout this Blog Journey.)
3 Slices of Canadian Bacon
(I have incorporated good fats and organic food as much as possible.
Experts say...Good coconut you lose fat!)
Greek Yogurt
(I have decided to have my snack earlier in the day as I have read that eating a snack at bedtime isn't good. You decide for yourself when or if you want or need a snack. Experts say that Greek Yogurt Plain is the Best. I buy and eat Fage Greek Yogurt because it is All Natural and I found it listed as one of the best. If you do not like plain, add a small amount of fresh fruit or organic, raw honey and cinnamon.)
(I used Fresh Spinach and Romaine Lettuce.
You can make your Salad from any kind of lettuce, even cabbage!)
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Avocada
1/2 Avocada
Balsamic Vinegar Dressing
(The Best Dressing to use is to Make Your Own. I will be including Recipes I have discovered over the Years in this Blog Journey. But for now, you can use one like...Paul Newman's...and not the "Light"...just the regular.
Experts say, you will see me quote this numerous times throughout this Journey because of all I have read and learned now and over the course of my dieting career, that if it is Labeled more than likely has added sugars...BAD!)
Organic Bacon Bits
Grilled Chicken Breast
(I marinated my chicken breast in some balsamic vinaigrette dressing for 4 hours before cooking. I cooked the Chicken Breast on a George Forman Grill. If you do not have one, you can cook it in a skillet or bake it in the oven.)
Steamed Broccoli
(Although Fresh is Best...I had frozen so I used Bird's Eye Frozen Broccoli. I put a Tbsp. of melted Real Butter on it. You can melt some cheese...or eat it plain. For my first month of Change...I do not want to be TOO Strict on myself. By the Second Month, when I am really in the Groove of my Change, I will start omitting extra's that I do not need. For now, I am keeping some of my comforts, as long as they Do Not Sabotage my Journey. Experts say...on average...I should have 1200 calories a day. So this means I have to watch my butter, cheese, nuts and dressing portions.)
I know that I have put a lot of things in parentheses (), but I feel that I need to explain my choices and give alternatives.
Again, you do not have to follow my example.
There are alternatives if you do not like some of the items I am eating.
Your portions of meat should be 3-4 ounces (oz.) of Lean Protien
You can switch up your vegetables if you prefer something else.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to comment/ask.
If I do not know, I will look it up and give you the link(s) to read.
Why should we Struggle Alone...
trying to be strong all by ourselves...
We have Each Other, to Reach Out to and Help Each Other through it!
Anyway, I will be posting a day to day blog post, but it will probably be published Once A Week?
I am not sure yet?
I may start out posting day by day...see how it goes?
Maybe...if anyone else out there is struggling..
and would like to Join me on my Journey...
feel free to comment or email me.
If you know of someone who would like to Join Me...
Please, share this post with them.
I Would Love to hear from Each and Every One of You!
Here's to...A Lifestyle Change to Last a Lifetime!!
P.S. Exercise...
I walked for 20 minutes today.
I made sure I swung my arms and walked briskly.
As I have not actively, or on a regular basis, exercised for the past few years, and I am close to 100 lbs. overweight, I am starting out slow and steady with the basics.
Tomorrow, I plan to incorporate my basic High School Gym Exercises...
Jumping Jacks (20)
Touch my Toes...or at least try lol (20)
Side Bends (20 each side...
You know...stand with your hands on your hips...legs shoulder width apart.
Bend as far as I can to one side while stretching and extending my arm over my head and to the side. Then do it on the other side...that counts as 1 repetition.)
Sit many as I can do...with my goal as (20)
Push many as I can do...with my goal as (20)
As I said previously...I plan to try to do some sort of exercise(s) EVERYDAY for at least 20 minutes.
Week 1 - Day 1
In upcoming future blog journeys, I will share links to my favorite exercise/food videos/blogs/self help/organic ect.
Here is an Awesome Video about Good Fats...I will be sharing a Lot of Danette May's Videos!