Monday, January 11, 2010

Enter Fandango's Leap Year Sweepstakes

Enter Fandango's Leap Year Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip to Ireland!

Grand Prize:

A trip for 2 to Dublin, Ireland including:

* Round-trip airfare for 2

* 4 nights hotel stay

* 2 Irish Rail passes to travel and see the country.

First Prize:

* $1,000 Visa Gift Card

3 Runner-Up Prizes:

A Leap Year prize pack including:

* Leap Year 1 t-shirt

* 1 Journal

* 1 airline travel kit

ONE ENTRY ONLY~Per Person/Email Address~Sweepstake Ends 01-11-2010

Beautiful Disaster ~ Perfectly Imperfect

Hello...My Name is Tami... I am an Alcoholic,,, in Recovery for 3 years... and I have been a Beautiful Disaster and Perfectly Imperfect... f...